Baltic Amadeus undergoes a structural transformation to increase ROI for clients

2023 02 20 · 2 min read

Changes are a paramount part of progress. Every organisation that seeks sustainable business growth faces it. Therefore, aiming to boost business development and effectively meet customer expectations, we kicked off 2023 by implementing structural changes at Baltic Amadeus.

Formerly the company’s units have been formed based on programming technologies (e.g., JAVA, .NET, etc.). Now, all operating units are focused on specific service lines (e.g., omnichannel, mobile banking, etc.). This transformation is part of the growth strategy that we launched in 2020.   

Our Chief Operating Officer, Vytautas Kaminskas, mentions that recent events – the pandemic and Russia’s war against Ukraine – prove that flexibility and speed are vital to boost service delivery and increase customer value. According to him, this is exactly what the new organisational structure of Baltic Amadeus enables.

Major focus on the customer and their needs   

Clients are significant to us, and working closely with them allows us to comprehend their evolving needs. We are responsive to the macro environment around us – a constantly growing IT market and competition within it. Furthermore, our competency and service range is expanding, too. 

“Seeking to better meet our customers’ expectations, we have changed the structure of our organisation. Our teams that used to work on the technology-based projects now are formed into nine new units focused on specific service lines,” says Vytautas. 

Services were specialised into nine new units  

Implementing this structural transformation, we created new stable teams with expertise in a specific service line: 

Newly formed units offer clients to choose from core IT market services tailored to their specific needs. 

Each service team has the full-scope competencies required to develop a solution without the need to reacquaint them with a particular service line. Teams can then focus on getting to know the customer, assessing their necessities and creating added value. 

The company’s strategy and positioning remain the same   

“Simply speaking, the new service specialisation allows us to be closer to the customer, generally ensuring speed and efficiency. This adaptive, client-oriented service delivery model enables our teams to provide comprehensive consulting and solutions, focusing on the specific activity area and the client’s needs. Overall, this move guarantees our clients faster service delivery and a better return on investment. It also allows us to strengthen our internal learning culture and foster targeted competencies in specific areas,” comments Vytautas.   

The company’s strategy and market positioning do not change – Baltic Amadeus continues to be a trusted technology partner to clients worldwide, providing top-quality IT services and solutions to businesses of all sizes – from corporations to small and medium-sized enterprises and startups.

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